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  Jerry Silvers Goes Solo & Introduces Highly Favored & The Gospel Gents


  "It's been a minute since people have heard from me. That's ok! all I have to do is just stand.", announces Jerry Silvers, former front man and founder of Undivided. Silvers left Undivided in June to pursue his next efforts. "I was not moving fast enough, and although I don't blame the members of Undivided, I feel I could get more things done on my own. "Many folks thought I fell off, but this is just not true. I needed space.", exclaims Silvers.

  In July he had begun work on his third LP although Undivided, under the direction of former vice-president Regina Louder, chose to shelve the group's second CD. "I have tried to get that LP out since 2003." "When the group started slowing down, I knew I had to keep writing and recording. God spoke to my spirit and told me to move even if I have to move alone.", states Silvers.

   Mr. Silvers notes that leaving the Undivided family was bitter/sweet. "I have grown up with many members of Undivided and leaving them is like leaving your brother or sister." says Silvers. According to his promotion company, JRS Management, He went into seclusion in June and his pastor, Rev. Hugh Frazier mentored the accomplished businessman, singer, musician, and public speaker. The company said in a press release last month, it was Silvers decision to leave the group in tact and bow out. The new groups and artists he is developing participate in intense Bible study, vocal coaching, and are preparing to enter the studio to record tracts for the their CDs.  "The EP II" featuring Silvers as a solo artist and backed by his new group Highly Favored will be out in early 2007.

  Silvers, launched his new business, Computerworks.8m.com in July and plans to launch two new weekly Internet music programs in January 2007.

 Terry Donovan

CI Gospel Music Gold Now On the Web!

 You can listen to CI Gospel Music Gold, Jerry Silvers weekly radio broadcast now on 880 AM WNSG, Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. and now on the World Wide Web. click this link then click listen to the radio show.
